FESSUD researchers presented their work at the INFER (International Network for Economic Research) workshop on Heterodox Economics held in Coimbra, 17th/18th April. Ana Santos, leader of Work package 5 on Finance and well-being, was chairing one of the first sessions, where the following presentations were made:
- Ricardo Barradas, ‘Financialisation and the Portuguese real Investment. A supportive or a disruptive relationship‘.
- Ana Santos, ‘Semi-peripheral Financialisation: the case of Portugal‘.
Besides, Ricardo Barradas also introduced his findings and Sérgio Lagoa’s on ‘The Determinants of Inequality on The Portuguese Income Distribution: The Role of Financialisation and Other Factors‘. Those three presentations relate to work which was done as part of Work Package 2 and Work Package 3
Finally, Malcolm Sawyer, lead coordinator of the FESSUD project, gave a key-note speech on ‘De-financialisation for a socially responsible financial sector‘ based on his work on Work Package 2 and Work Package 8.
More information on the workshop available at the INFER website.
The conference programme can bu consulted here.