Most of us have little or no say in what banks can and cannot, should and should not be doing. Yet in Europe in 2016 we are all deeply affected by the activities of banks. In December 2016, Finance Watch has published a report investigating the numerous ways in which the public is blocked from participating in influencing the activities of banks and from representing its own interests in banking.
To download the report “Representation of the public interest in banking“, please click here.
It was discussed during a dedicated conference in Brussels with various stakeholders, among which Magda Tancau, from Pour la Solidarité/FESSUD, who presented the main conclusions of the participatory research she held with Daniela Gabor in the framework of FESSUD. The deliverable, entitled “A participatory reflection on finance and well being“, is soon to be published on the FESSUD website.
A video of the debate featuring notably Magda Tancau is available below: