The Executive Board will be responsible for the executive management as well as for the decision- making and conflict resolution procedures.

The Executive Board is a joint executive Board allowing also at a strategic level the common view of the generated foreground and a unique decision-making body capable of ensuring a balanced management of the scientific and technical implementation.

The Executive Board (EB) is composed of Professor Malcolm Sawyer, who chairs the Executive Board, the European

Project Manager (Ms Helen Evans), the Work Packages Leaders (WPLs), and the EC Desk-officer (ex officio). The Executive Board will meet at least twice per year; it will also conduct business through e-mail, discussion boards, and video conferences. The responsibilities of the Executive Board are as follows:

  • Project management decisions, follow-up and adaptations of roadmaps

  • Assessment of the results obtained and of the relevance of the future work with regards to these results

  • Preparation of the periodic scientific and management reports

  • Discussion and proposal of strategic orientations for the work programme

  • Discussion of the funding issues and in particular of possible re-allocations of the funding

  • Management of any changes to the beneficiary structure of the consortium

  • Discussion of the harmonisation issues of the detailed work plan

  • All these reviews and assessments will lead to proposals which must be accepted by the Steering Committee (SC)