Deconstructing the euro?
Download Briefing Note 6: ‘Deconstructing the euro?‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 6: ‘Deconstructing the euro?‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 5: ‘Unemployment insurance and the Economic and Monetary Union‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 4: ‘’Structural reforms’ and the euro crisis‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 3: ‘Current Account Imbalances and the Economic and Monetray Union‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 1: ‘The operation of budgets constraints in the Euroarea‘
By Malcolm Sawyer, coordinator of the FESSUD project from the University of Leeds, UK
Download Briefing Note 2: ‘Fiscal policies in the European Union before and after the financial crisis‘ By Jesús Ferreiro, Catalina Gálvez and Ana González from the University of the Basque Country…